Tuesday, September 14, 2010


WE ARE HOME!!!! What a wonderful statement to be able to make. God is so good. After traveling at least 15,000 miles is it wonderful to be safe and sound in our home. We have SO MUCH for which to be thankful.

The question comes, “So, are you going back?” Of course!! I am now the proud owner of a Brazilian curling iron!! Have curling iron…will travel! I will need a little time to forget the one way 20 hour trip and the “Hill of Terror”!!!! It just might be worth it to meet again with all of the wonderful friends we met. I wish I could bring all of those wonderful people to the U S for you all to meet. Guess we will have to wait to heaven for that privilege.

It was hard to say “goodbye” to those folks. They gave us many wonderful gifts. The gals gave me a beautiful Bible cover. I thought we had a disaster in the making when they made the presentation. I thought they said they had a cow for me!!!!!!!!!!! My mind was racing. How can I be appreciative and yet let them know that Rod would be less than impressed if I were to show up in Fortaleza with a cow!! They laughed so hard. That is the word they use for “Kitty”!!! Everyone put money in the kitty for the gift!! Language barriers are such a pain. Won’t heaven be great!!

Went down “the hill” MUCH faster than I went up. The pastor that took us must have been a Grand Prix driver in another life. MY GOODNESS!! He wound through those hills and curves in a way that would be the envy of any driver in that particular race!!! Since we were on the way home, it was OK with me!!! I did have to hide my eyes SEVERAL TIMES!!!!

The trip was pretty uneventful except for the rather “short” layover in Atlanta. That was a little more excitement than we needed. We had to go through immigration, then customs and then security. All of this had to be done in less than an hour and a half. We had to take the underground rail from the international area to Delta. We were racing around that airport like nut cases. The door to the plane was already closed but they let us in anyway.

All in all, I am glad Rod insisted that I go. So many experiences!!! Some great, some good and some hopefully never to be repeated again!!(i.e. “the hill” ) Most importantly of all, the wonderful people!!! It made it all worthwhile.

It was good to be back with our church family and worship together again. Our thoughts and prayers did drift to the pastors and wives in Brazil as they shared the Word with their people. We appreciate your prayers for us. God did “above what we could ask or think” Thank you.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Back to a positive view of missions

Back to a positive view of missions!!!  This has been a wonderful week. I wish you all could see the phenomenal young couples who are totally sold out to bringing the gospel to Brazil. SHARP SHARP people. They are so hungry to learn and to have churches that are built on Biblical principles. I wish you could hear the singing. I cry every time. That is one thing we could learn in America….to sing with gusto. We have tried to catch it on video but when I play it back it just is not there!!! They so love the Lord and love to sing praise songs to Him.

The classes have just been great. Thank you so much for all your prayers. God more than answered beyond anything we could dream. They are so receptive and love to laugh. The people are so friendly. We will hate to say “goodbye”!!!

Our life has been so tame I decided I should give you a view from Rick’s perspective!! We have been on the floor laughing at him. He is not smiling!!! I am sure I will not do justice to his account but I will try. He found out he was sharing a room with Kendall and another guy, but that was not the whole story. He is really sharing his room with every man on the floor. They all have to go THROUGH his room to the bathroom and the shower. He feels like he is living in a hall way. Then they have a man hanging over them in a hammock and he and Kendall are on mattresses on the floor. Yesterday he was in his room and a totally naked man came walking through on his way to the shower. Rick account of this caused Rod and I to HURT from laughing!! This morning he was shaving and a huge beetle runs up his leg. Rick has just had all the fun!!!!!!!!!!! Rod and I have had a pretty tame life once we got up here!!

By the time you read this you will know I had enough nerve to now come down off this mountain. Rod and Rick tried every way to get a picture of the steepness of that hill but there is no way to capture that hill of terror. Rod and Jonathan are leaving at 5:00 AM tomorrow to take Praus and Chara to the airport and they will take all of our luggage. Kendall, Chima, Rick and I will come later in a van. Rod is done with his classes but Rick and I still have another 2 hours to teach.

We have loved being here. The weather is cool, almost cold, the people are more than wonderful but after two weeks and three conferences, the thought of getting on that plane to come home is just too wonderful to even think about.

I will have to send this from Sao Palo since there is NOOOOOOOOOOO internet up here on the mountain. By the time some of you read this, Lord willing, we will be home. There will never be any way to describe to you all that we have experienced. You will just have to come and see for yourselves. The people are worth it all!!

HOWEVER, at this point I will let you come and I will stay home and pray for you!!! : Rod says I will forget all about it and want to come again………………uhhhhhhhhhhh

No more “Jonathan” stories but then we are not home yet!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

2/3 missions

Back to the 2/3 missions philosophy!!!!! I have promised God if He gets me out of here alive, I will do the praying and giving and my sister can go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whatever positive glowing reports I have given ……. They are past tense!! Do not ask me any questions about yesterday because I intend to do everything within my power to forget it ever happened. I will not sleep at night if it is in my memory!

It started out hot in Sobral. We were to leave at 9:00 AM and we finally got off at 10:00 AM which is pretty good for Brazil time. I am not sure how to describe this little van other than to say it is not made for 7 people. However, other choices were very limited so it was 7 people in this little van.

Did I mention it was hot??? We caravanned with several cars from the Sobral church who were also going to the conference. The happiest moment of my morning was when Jonathan said we were stopping for lunch. I should have known there was a catch. There was a zoo there and everyone decided we should go to the zoo (using the term loosely). Jonathan thought we should see the animals that were native to this area. As we went from cage to extremely smelly cage, it soon became apparent that most of the animals were really not from this area. Did I mention that it was extremely hot??? Add to that dusty and smelly. Those of you who know me well, can guess that my smile was becoming a bit plastic!!! I told one of the men who speaks English that I did not do zoos in Kansas when it is cool. I am not sure what I am doing at one in Brazil when it is HOT. After that odiferous experience, we were now going to lunch. The actual stools in the ladies bathroom were tucked away, but where you wash your hands…..well that was right out there for the whole restaurant to see. You try to not be obvious but I pulled the whole towel container down with a loud crash, another fine moment.

The lunch was good but I did struggle a bit. One fly can dim my appetite but we were not limited to one. Then we also had bees. Jonathan told me not to wave them away because that would irritate them and then they were come back with more!!!!!! Now these were not your average bees of Kansas. These were the AFRICAN KILLER BEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am serious. That was why Jonathan told me to leave them alone. I was to just let them land and wait till they flew away. Can you all just picture me in this setting.

The trip thus far has been the “good” part. It was hot. They we start up the mountain road. It winds up and up. Part of it was cobble stone. Another teeth rattling, bone jarring experience!!! With 7 people in this small car. Your one thought is just to get where we are going!!!! Jonathan gives us a horticultural tour!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He stops in the middle of the road to point out all the vegetation. Other times, he chose to do it while driving and Chima makes Kathy and I Iook good when it comes to yelling and gasping!!! My sweet spirit was wilting.

We are going through this small town and out of a side street comes a complete CATTLE DRIVE!!!!!!!!!! I am not kidding you!!!!!!!!! Cowboys with probably 75-100 cows and they just drive them through the street in front of us!!! Because we are climbing we cannot use the AC so here we are plodding behind all of these stinky cows who are NOT in a hurry. By this time I have COMPLETELY given up on the plastic smile. Jonathan decides he has had enough so he starts honking his horn!!!!!! Oh great! A stampede!

At this point we REALLY start to go up. They don’t believe in switchbacks so we are talking serious UP. After what I am sure is 6 weeks, we get to the last climb before the “camp” Understand Kathy and Ruth??? This road supersedes any vertical I have every experienced in my life. Straight up is tame. It soon became quite obvious that the car was NOT going to make it with us in it. If you have seen me less than thrilled, try to picture me at this point! We start up the hill. I am wearing sandals and there are rocks and boulders everywhere. Someone called me and as I turned around my sandal went one way and I went another and that was all she wrote!!! There was NO WAY to get stopped. Rod was a little behind me. I looked like a flying windmill with huge eyes!!! Rod Was able to brace himself and catch me or I would have been at the bottom. Rick thought he was going to see “Jack and Jill” enacted before his very eyes. There is no way to describe the total vertical of that hill. Of course this near tragedy changed nothing. There was still no way to get to the camp but to climb the hill so up we started AGAIN!! Made it!!! I told the ladies I was happy to be here and I was here to stay because I had no intentions of getting anywhere near that hill.

When we got to our rooms, we were shaken, sweaty from head to toe and I just looked at Rod and told him there was a line that was just too much and we had crossed it. It was just all too much especially in the heat. Rod’s opening debut was to promptly blow the guts out of my little fan which was going to be used to cool off our room. Oh for 110 wattage. We don’t seem to do well with the electrical systems.

It really is beautiful up here and COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Wish I had a jacket. It is a little primitive but for the first time since leaving Overland Park, Chima said it was safe to brush our teeth with running water. AHHHHHHHHHHH the major issue of life!

Had a great session with the ladies this morning. There are probably 80-90 ladies. Their husbands have such a desire to reach Brazil for Christ. There are some sharp couples here.

Don’t know if you will see me for awhile. Have to decide if I REALLY want to go near that hill,

Pray for Chima. She sounds terrible but she did a great job this AM.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Huge prayer request

HUGE PRAYER REQUEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My interpreter is sick!!!! Just talked to Jonathan, and Chima thinks she may have bronchitis!!!! How horrible to not be home and comfortable and to be sick. We have a long rather hazardous trip ahead of us today so just pray her medicine will be effective. I do not speak until tomorrow morning so we have some time for recovery!!

I have no idea what the next place holds. We do not know if we will be able to use our computers or not so I thought I had better tell you about last night before we leave Sobral.

Ladies, it was faaaaaaaaaaaar above ANYTHING we could have asked or hoped for. I get teary eyed right now just thinking about it. Their gratitude was overwhelming……..I could use overwhelming MANY times through this blog and you still would not get the picture. I am hoping the video will give you some idea. We gave them the gifts between the singing and Rod. When the service was over, they all walked out. OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was cause for consternation!!! I thought the aprons were pretty great but never dreamed it would cause a complete walk out!!! Charles brother, who is charge of the children’s ministries, and I began to give out the toys. I SAW MY LIFE PASS BEFORE MY EYES!!!!!!! About midway through the project, I BOLTED!!! My claustrophobia kicked in BIG TIME!! It was just a riot. You will hear the kazoos QUITE WELL!! They were so excited. I hope our MRBC children can see how much they appreciated the gifts they gave to them.

I looked toward the back of the church and here comes all of the ladies parading in with their aprons on!!! They went to the front of the church and began to sing a praise song to all of us. They sang it for you too in appreciation for all you did for them. I CRIED!!! WOW!! What a blessing. My only regret was that you all could not be there to share it with me. Every hour, every stitch, every serge, every piece of ironing, every bow would have been more than worth it for you. They gave me a gift of appreciation which I want to put in a glass box and give it to the church. It is for all of you. Chima heard them talking and they could not BELIEVE you actually SEWED it for them. They don’t sew much. They use seamstresses. Can you begin to get a picture of what an amazing experience this was??? I truly hope so.

At this point we are tired beyond measure and emotionally SHOT!!! Their custom is for a majority of the church to go out for pizza after church. It is now 10:45 PM!!! It was fun. We have not been to bed before midnight-one o’clock since we came here. I am a 10:30-11:00 o’clock person!! Saying goodby was hard. They hate to see you go and it was sad to leave then.

Well it is time to be off to the unknown again. Getting a little harder to kick into high gear, but once you get there, God always gives you that extra umph that you need to share the Word with them. They have all been such friendly and open people, but with my neurosis, I always wonder what the next group will be like. Do pray for this trip. We are all stuffed in a little van, 7 people, on a less than friendly road…..A situation hand made by God for Faith to trust God!!!! OH DEAR, pray she does!!!!:)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Experiences Experiences

Experiences Experiences. They seem to be popping up with great rapidity. We got back to our hotel FINALLY and just crashed. The heat was just too much and our room is so cool Great AC

I should mention that the breakfasts here are ok but no chocolate cake or corn on the cob. They did have some kind of white cake.

You all would be proud of me. They have served us many different items to eat. Those of you who know me, know I order the same thing at each different restaurant. Rod is the adventuresome one in trying new foods. There have been a couple of items that left me without a longing to repeat.

Went back for the evening service. At this point we are running on fumes. God is good. He keeps us going but we are not at our best. LOVE their singing. They truly do it with gusto and LOUD!! We need to crank up our sound system!!! Great service. I am thinking, a few more smiles and off to bed. OH NO!! There is a new plan. They want us to go up on a hill where you can overlook all of Sobral at night. They said it is just beautiful. One small problem……..we have to go through a terrible area to get to it. One of the men in this church is a Major in the military police so we have to wait while he goes home and gets his gun and contacts some police to be up there when we arrive. They were concerned because we are Americans and they would like to get us…..drug involvement. This is a far cry from my bed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went. It was beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! Many beautiful Catholic churches all lit up at night. How tragic!!! Chima will not rest till she has a picture of Rod and me in front of the patrol car with two policemen on either side and we appear to be under arrest. GREAT JUST GREAT. I should be in bed.

Then another man took us to an ice cream place. DIFFERENT FLAVORS!!!! I looked at them and bravely ordered chocolate. We sit out on the street with our ice cream and down the street is a group having a party with music louder than you want to think about. In order to visit, we all have to yell at each other. Where is my bed??? It was fun and another amazing experience. These people are soooooo kind and loving.

Today was so special!!! They had a baptism service and believe me, it was a three Kleenes box event. Chima sat behind us and translated the people’s testimonies. Please Please, get on your knees tonight and thank God that you were born where you were born and live where you live, and have the many blessings that you have. These testimonies were beyond what I can write but they were so real. These pastors here……they have done their work well. These people are so grounded and so thankful for their salvation. They love Mission Road Bible Church and are sooooooooooooo thankful for the money that was sent down to help them build their church. We will try to tell you about it when we get home. Bring your Kleenex!!!

About 2:00 PM we made it back to the hotel. Have I mentioned the HEAT???????????????? We can just hardly handle it. SO good to get back to our hotel with AC

In about an hour we go back to the church and we take a HUGE duffle bag full of gifts to give to these wonderful people from our wonderful people at MRBC. I just wish so much that you all could be with us to give them out. We will try to film it but I am sure it will not do justice to the event.

In the morning we leave to go up to the mountains for our third and final conference. Slight sore throat but I don’t teach till Tuesday morning so praying it will go away. I cannot imagine what is going to happen at the giving of the gifts. I see chaos!!!:)


OH MY! Just when you think you may have experienced all life has to offer, you make a trip to Brazil and each day is an experience in itself.

Today we spent the morning in the hotel packing up and relaxing a little bit. I am just so glad Ruth can not see the suitcases she had arranged so nicely. All the stuff is back in, but there is definitely bulging. After we give the gifts to Sobral, we will have an empty suitcase so Ruth will not know how bad things got.

Had a wonderful time with the ladies this evening. It is so neat as they share their lives. Where you live is not a purifier of problems. Chima was late so I dug up the librarian who helped me for the first part. She was not really used to me but we made it through.

Time to head for Sobral. We got on the most beautiful bus. It is called a “sleeper bus”. Every seat is like a big recliner with a foot rest. They give you a blanket and you are supposed to sleep. That in itself was a little unsettling!!! You look around and you are in the middle of a big slumber party with people you don’t know. That ride is something everyone should experience. You rock and roll and bounce with more gusto than many theme park rides. If you have ever used that one machine at “Curves”, the one that just jars your teeth and bones……you’ve got it!!! What added to the angst…..there is a glass wall and a glass door between you and the driver and this all has curtains so you have no idea what is going on in front of you. We spent 4 hours on this bus getting in at 2:00 AM. By the time we got to the hotel and settled it was 3:00 AM.

There were three conditions I asked of Chima in getting us rooms. Clean sheets, some air moving and no geckos on the ceiling. She met all three conditions because the gecko was on the wall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I died!!! Rod told me not to worry it was only one. I told him we had no idea how many friends and relatives were waiting to appear. I watched him carefully but somehow he got away, the gecko not Rod.

I told Rod that if I got up in the morning and was combing my hair and a gecko came out, the conference was over, the trip was over and our marriage was in grave danger. Believe me……that was not a jest!!!!!!!!!!! I lay awake till 4:00 AM wondering where he was. Finally I put my slippers in bed with me because I did NOT want to get up in the morning and feel any movement in my slippers. When speaking of getting up, this occurred at 5:45 AM. Short night.

The people here are soooooooooooo loving and friendly. I had a wonderful time with the ladies. They said I was different than other people. Those remarks invite questions which should not be asked!!! Rod and I are thinking the heat is not so bad…..we can handle this after our lovely summer in KC. Then came 11:00 AM!! I have lived in Barstow CA and KC this summer but I have NEVER experienced heat like this. It is just overwhelming. You almost don’t know what to do. You try to smile and act like it is no big deal because they live with it all the time!!! Oh guys……I can barely hang on!! Fortunately, at 6:30 in the evening a beautiful cool breeze comes in and it is just great,

I have decided I am not attending any more services until the speaker actually starts speaking. TWICE as in TWO TIMES…I am sitting there listening to the opening exercise, understanding nothing, when Chima comes and tells me he just announced that I would play a piano solo. I wondered why they were all staring at me. I am not big on piano solos, that is why on Sunday morning we have words and pictures, and then this is a two octave keyboard without a sustaining pedal. It was one of my finer moments. Bad…..would be complementary!!

Sorry this is late. Just absolutely too beat to write. Keep praying. It is a special time..

Friday, September 3, 2010

Eating, Shpping, Teaching and MORE TRAVELING!

What a beautiful day. Those of you who were enjoying the thought of Faith suffering and sweating are going to be severely disappointed!!! We are in a beautiful hotel, with a view of the ocean, and many times it is almost cold in here. Our car is air-conditioned and the place we meet is actually cold!!!:)J Besides all of that, the ocean breeze is like being in California. It is gorgeous!

Went down to breakfast and was greeted with chocolate cake and corn on the cob. I may never come home!! Cereal leaves much to be desired. The breakfasts are a lot like Israel, with meat and cheese, salad stuff, good breads….did I mention chocolate cake and corn on the cob??

We had a special privilege at noon to go to the home of one of the pastors here. That was so neat and she fixed an amazing meal. They live in one of the, what Jonathan calls “a forest of apartment buildings.” There was a wonderful breeze and I got to try a hammock. That was interesting!!! I must admit it was comfortable.

The afternoon was an amazing experience. Chima and Chara took me to the shopping center. It is a building comparable to Kemper Arena with four layers of little shops. They have ramps that take you from shop to shop. Chima told me not to listen as the shopkeepers try to get to come buy their wares. That was a real danger since I had no idea what they were telling me anyway. You would have enjoyed Chima bargaining with the venders. It was just a riot but totally overwhelming. Needless to say, Rod managed to not take part in this “once in a lifetime experience”!!! I have experiences lots of different foods and juices but Chima managed to exercise my ability to “speak the truth in love”!!! She bought me a coconut with a straw. I tried to give it my best shot but…..coconut is for Mounds bars and then its usefulness dwindles!!! Coconut water probably will not be something I look for in the states!!! Jonathan was supposed to pick us up at 3:00 and did not come till 4:30!!! That cost Rod a bundle. I just had to keep shopping. I told Rod that Chima REALLY saved him a bundle with all her bargaining!!:)JJ

Last night was so special with the wives of the pastors here. How I love them. They struggle with many of the same things we do in the States. I did some teaching, but then we spent sometime with questions and answers. How neat it was to share our lives together.

Tonight after the session, we leave at 10:00 PM on a bus for Sobral. We get in at 2:00AM and start teaching at 8:30 AM. We would appreciate your prayers. It would be nice if we could make sense!!:) Pray also for Jonathan and Chima. They carry a heavy load this two weeks. There are so many details to take care of and then Chima has to make what I say, make sense to these dear ladies.

Not sure what the wifi situation will be in Sobral. 100* EVERY DAY!!!! Our hotel has AC and then J and C made me sound like some frail lady who could not take heat so they are having the sessions in an air conditioned convention center!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was horrified!! They thought it was great because THEY did not want to be in the heat!! Oh Well………………. Later.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Brazilian Driving Jonothan Style and the rest of the day!

Another day in Brazil. It has been a riot. There just are not enough words in the English language to describe a trip across Fortaleza with Jonathan. It Is the most bone jarring, teeth rattling, eye hiding transport I have ever experienced!!! We are thrown from side to side, up and down, huge holes in the road. I will never complain about 79th street again. I just start laughing. The Nichols all look at me like there is something wrong with ME!!! And that is just on the INSIDE…..OH MY GOODNESS!! What happens on the OUTSIDE is not fit viewing for little children or old ladies for that matter. Lanes are not important here. If you don’t like your choices you just create your own, no matter that there are cars buses, truck, bikes and motorcycles who are also exerting their right to create a lane of their choice. The motorcycle drivers have to be suicidal. They go places where there is not room to go!!!

Jon and Chima took us to a …………….forgot the name but it is a place where there serve meat on a sword. They encouraged us to go to the salad bar first. Let me tell you, there were MANY items that did NOT make it to my plate. I ended up with beets and an apple salad on my plate. There were many good things and the meat was delicious. The Nichols had the nerve to sit by me and eat quail eggs. They offered them to me but I told them Rod had a medical condition and I could not indulge myself. The highlight was the dessert tray. Everything was chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The services last night were just great. These people work all day and then come to the conference till 10:00 PM. Chima is just amazing. She has to tell them everything I say and then she has to tell me everything they say. I think I may have been a bit of a shock to them the first night, but last night they really opened up and shared. It was so special. It told them I could not wait for heaven because then we would not need Chima. They laughed at that. It is hard not to be able to visit with them. When we want to talk to them we have to find one of the Nichols. FORTUNATELY, there are many of them around. It has been neat to get to know Grace’s brothers and sisters.

You will be thrilled to know that my heroine, Chima, found a curling iron for me. As Kris says, the ministry suffers when there is no curling iron!!!:)JJ

Well, it is time to go throw myself on the sword and experience another trip across Fortaleza with Jonathon at the wheel!!!

Keep praying. It has been great. Temps are cool and COLD in the rooms but tomorrow we go to SOBRAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Flight and First Day

I can hardly believe I am sitting here writing to you in Brazil. Fortaleza is an amazing place!!! But I get ahead of myself!!! I must tell you about the trip.

All things considered, it was a good trip, I do not do strange bumps on planes. It was really a smooth ride and except for about 15 minutes, I experienced EVERY minute of it!!! Ruth told me I should take a Tylenol PM but I thought I was above all that. On the trip home, I plan to take the whole bottle. Had I gone to sleep, I would have missed out on all the entertainment.

Rod had a man sitting by him that did not appear to be flight savvy . language savvy, or life in general savvy!!! When we think of Rod, the first spiritual gift that comes to mind is the gift of helps!!!! This dear little man did not grasp what was on the menu, so dear Rod, “take charge Rod” could only handle the back and forth for so long and then he told the attendant what the man wanted. I am sure that man had many surprises when his food arrived. Then the man never grasped the distinction between the light button and the call button. We got to know the attendants WELL thanks to the little man!! The real topper was, the little man got lost on the way back from the bathroom. He had no idea which seat was his so “Helper Rod” went and got him. By this time I am dead tired and hysterical!!! Rod just LOOKED at me.

When we arrived, it was so good to see Jonathan and Chima and the Bruce Nichols family waiting for us and Rick and Kendal. I don’t think Chima really believed I was going to show until she actually saw me on the ground. Praise God, all of our luggage arrived and off we went.

I do not go to Worlds of Fun because I do not like scary rides. After going through Fortaleza with Jonathan, that theme park holds no fear for me. OH MY GOODNESS!!! And he was one of the slower, more careful drivers. Rod thinks I would do well here. All I need is a steering wheel and my horn.

They took us to a beautiful hotel with a gorgeous ocean view. How we are suffering!!! I performed my usual opening missionary trick…..I melted about every part of my curling iron I could possibly melt!!! Such a great beginning, This meant the hair could not be washed so I looked lovely for my debut into speaking with interpretation. Jonathan has much planned for today but finding a curling iron is the #1 priority.

It WAS WONDERFUL last night. How fun to meet brothers and sisters who love the same Lord as we do. They were so welcoming. Chima did great!!! There were a few of my expressions that caused her and Chara to look at each other askance. My only concern was when I said 6 words and Chima said 66!!! There were two or three ladies who knew English so I asked them to tell me if Chima changed things. We had two hour sessions and the people were so responsive. Can’t wait for tonight.

Thanks so much for your prayers. So far……so good!!! Well……..the hair thing…..not so good.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Beyond My Comfort Zone

I am sitting here tonight realizing that two weeks I will be in Brazil teaching for three hours.   Oh my goodness.  What am I thinking?

Everyone thinks I am going to have such a great time.  Of course these are the same people who will be sitting under airconditioning here in the States.

Rod had the brilliant idea that we should practice taking cold showers so it would not be such a shock down there.  I put that idea in the same catagory as opening presents on Christmas Eve.  Some treats just need to be saved for that special day!!

My material is ready (I think).  There is one issue that makes me wonder.  They have one man to to interpret for two men and I have two women to interpret for one woman.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Getting Ready To Go

As I sit in my nice cool family room, I am counting the days till my journey begins.  This blog is designed to keep you all informed of where I am, what I am thinking and what I have done during my days in Brazil.  Is it to late to pray for theRapture????  I am told that I will love this trip! I will have to see about that! Rod's integrity may be up for question!!