Thursday, September 2, 2010

Brazilian Driving Jonothan Style and the rest of the day!

Another day in Brazil. It has been a riot. There just are not enough words in the English language to describe a trip across Fortaleza with Jonathan. It Is the most bone jarring, teeth rattling, eye hiding transport I have ever experienced!!! We are thrown from side to side, up and down, huge holes in the road. I will never complain about 79th street again. I just start laughing. The Nichols all look at me like there is something wrong with ME!!! And that is just on the INSIDE…..OH MY GOODNESS!! What happens on the OUTSIDE is not fit viewing for little children or old ladies for that matter. Lanes are not important here. If you don’t like your choices you just create your own, no matter that there are cars buses, truck, bikes and motorcycles who are also exerting their right to create a lane of their choice. The motorcycle drivers have to be suicidal. They go places where there is not room to go!!!

Jon and Chima took us to a …………….forgot the name but it is a place where there serve meat on a sword. They encouraged us to go to the salad bar first. Let me tell you, there were MANY items that did NOT make it to my plate. I ended up with beets and an apple salad on my plate. There were many good things and the meat was delicious. The Nichols had the nerve to sit by me and eat quail eggs. They offered them to me but I told them Rod had a medical condition and I could not indulge myself. The highlight was the dessert tray. Everything was chocolate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The services last night were just great. These people work all day and then come to the conference till 10:00 PM. Chima is just amazing. She has to tell them everything I say and then she has to tell me everything they say. I think I may have been a bit of a shock to them the first night, but last night they really opened up and shared. It was so special. It told them I could not wait for heaven because then we would not need Chima. They laughed at that. It is hard not to be able to visit with them. When we want to talk to them we have to find one of the Nichols. FORTUNATELY, there are many of them around. It has been neat to get to know Grace’s brothers and sisters.

You will be thrilled to know that my heroine, Chima, found a curling iron for me. As Kris says, the ministry suffers when there is no curling iron!!!:)JJ

Well, it is time to go throw myself on the sword and experience another trip across Fortaleza with Jonathon at the wheel!!!

Keep praying. It has been great. Temps are cool and COLD in the rooms but tomorrow we go to SOBRAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Some people in Brazil think Hell was built under SOBRAL. LOL
    (Diego Ramos)

  2. Faith, your story of driving with Jonathan is very similar to a Corrie ten Boom story where she was in a car in Africa and they kept picking up more & more people, while the rattly car was bouncing off rocks & weaving over jungle bridges! Praying for your peace & safety!
