Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Flight and First Day

I can hardly believe I am sitting here writing to you in Brazil. Fortaleza is an amazing place!!! But I get ahead of myself!!! I must tell you about the trip.

All things considered, it was a good trip, I do not do strange bumps on planes. It was really a smooth ride and except for about 15 minutes, I experienced EVERY minute of it!!! Ruth told me I should take a Tylenol PM but I thought I was above all that. On the trip home, I plan to take the whole bottle. Had I gone to sleep, I would have missed out on all the entertainment.

Rod had a man sitting by him that did not appear to be flight savvy . language savvy, or life in general savvy!!! When we think of Rod, the first spiritual gift that comes to mind is the gift of helps!!!! This dear little man did not grasp what was on the menu, so dear Rod, “take charge Rod” could only handle the back and forth for so long and then he told the attendant what the man wanted. I am sure that man had many surprises when his food arrived. Then the man never grasped the distinction between the light button and the call button. We got to know the attendants WELL thanks to the little man!! The real topper was, the little man got lost on the way back from the bathroom. He had no idea which seat was his so “Helper Rod” went and got him. By this time I am dead tired and hysterical!!! Rod just LOOKED at me.

When we arrived, it was so good to see Jonathan and Chima and the Bruce Nichols family waiting for us and Rick and Kendal. I don’t think Chima really believed I was going to show until she actually saw me on the ground. Praise God, all of our luggage arrived and off we went.

I do not go to Worlds of Fun because I do not like scary rides. After going through Fortaleza with Jonathan, that theme park holds no fear for me. OH MY GOODNESS!!! And he was one of the slower, more careful drivers. Rod thinks I would do well here. All I need is a steering wheel and my horn.

They took us to a beautiful hotel with a gorgeous ocean view. How we are suffering!!! I performed my usual opening missionary trick…..I melted about every part of my curling iron I could possibly melt!!! Such a great beginning, This meant the hair could not be washed so I looked lovely for my debut into speaking with interpretation. Jonathan has much planned for today but finding a curling iron is the #1 priority.

It WAS WONDERFUL last night. How fun to meet brothers and sisters who love the same Lord as we do. They were so welcoming. Chima did great!!! There were a few of my expressions that caused her and Chara to look at each other askance. My only concern was when I said 6 words and Chima said 66!!! There were two or three ladies who knew English so I asked them to tell me if Chima changed things. We had two hour sessions and the people were so responsive. Can’t wait for tonight.

Thanks so much for your prayers. So far……so good!!! Well……..the hair thing…..not so good.


  1. Nobody could tell the story like you are grandma!

  2. My profile will say I am Eric, but it really Bobbie S. You are one funny lady Faith.

  3. You are hysterical, Faith! I hope Jonathan was able to find a place with a curling iron! Praying for you all! <3

  4. Hmmm...what if no curling iron can be found? Thanks for the report. Sounds like you are doing just fine! (Actually this is Jude, not Ruth.)
