Monday, September 6, 2010

Huge prayer request

HUGE PRAYER REQUEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My interpreter is sick!!!! Just talked to Jonathan, and Chima thinks she may have bronchitis!!!! How horrible to not be home and comfortable and to be sick. We have a long rather hazardous trip ahead of us today so just pray her medicine will be effective. I do not speak until tomorrow morning so we have some time for recovery!!

I have no idea what the next place holds. We do not know if we will be able to use our computers or not so I thought I had better tell you about last night before we leave Sobral.

Ladies, it was faaaaaaaaaaaar above ANYTHING we could have asked or hoped for. I get teary eyed right now just thinking about it. Their gratitude was overwhelming……..I could use overwhelming MANY times through this blog and you still would not get the picture. I am hoping the video will give you some idea. We gave them the gifts between the singing and Rod. When the service was over, they all walked out. OH MY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was cause for consternation!!! I thought the aprons were pretty great but never dreamed it would cause a complete walk out!!! Charles brother, who is charge of the children’s ministries, and I began to give out the toys. I SAW MY LIFE PASS BEFORE MY EYES!!!!!!! About midway through the project, I BOLTED!!! My claustrophobia kicked in BIG TIME!! It was just a riot. You will hear the kazoos QUITE WELL!! They were so excited. I hope our MRBC children can see how much they appreciated the gifts they gave to them.

I looked toward the back of the church and here comes all of the ladies parading in with their aprons on!!! They went to the front of the church and began to sing a praise song to all of us. They sang it for you too in appreciation for all you did for them. I CRIED!!! WOW!! What a blessing. My only regret was that you all could not be there to share it with me. Every hour, every stitch, every serge, every piece of ironing, every bow would have been more than worth it for you. They gave me a gift of appreciation which I want to put in a glass box and give it to the church. It is for all of you. Chima heard them talking and they could not BELIEVE you actually SEWED it for them. They don’t sew much. They use seamstresses. Can you begin to get a picture of what an amazing experience this was??? I truly hope so.

At this point we are tired beyond measure and emotionally SHOT!!! Their custom is for a majority of the church to go out for pizza after church. It is now 10:45 PM!!! It was fun. We have not been to bed before midnight-one o’clock since we came here. I am a 10:30-11:00 o’clock person!! Saying goodby was hard. They hate to see you go and it was sad to leave then.

Well it is time to be off to the unknown again. Getting a little harder to kick into high gear, but once you get there, God always gives you that extra umph that you need to share the Word with them. They have all been such friendly and open people, but with my neurosis, I always wonder what the next group will be like. Do pray for this trip. We are all stuffed in a little van, 7 people, on a less than friendly road…..A situation hand made by God for Faith to trust God!!!! OH DEAR, pray she does!!!!:)

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